urandom – Pseudo-random numbers

This module implements pseudo-random number generators.

All functions in this module should be used with positional arguments. Keyword arguments are not supported.

Basic random numbers

randint(a, b) int

Gets a random integer \(N\) satisfying \(a \leq N \leq b\).

  • a (int) – Lowest value. This value is included in the range.

  • b (int) – Highest value. This value is included in the range.


The random integer.

random() float

Gets a random value \(x\) satisfying \(0 \leq x < 1\).


The random value.

Random numbers from a range

getrandbits(k) int

Gets a random integer \(N\) satisfying \(0 \leq N < 2^{\text{bits}}\).


k (int) – How many bits to use for the result.

randrange(stop) int
randrange(start, stop) int
randrange(start, stop, step) int

Returns a randomly selected element from range(start, stop, step).

For example, randrange(1, 7, 2) returns random numbers from 1 up to (but excluding) 7, in increments of 2. In other words, it returns 1, 3, or 5.

  • start (int) – Lowest value. Defaults to 0 if only one argument is given.

  • stop (int) – Highest value. This value is not included in the range.

  • step (int) – Increment between values. Defaults to 1 if only one or two arguments are given.


The random number.

uniform(a, b) float

Gets a random floating point value \(x\) satisfying \(a \leq x \leq b\).

  • a (float) – Lowest value.

  • b (float) – Highest value.


The random value.

Random elements from a sequence

choice(sequence) Any

Gets a random element from a sequence such as a tuple or list.


sequence – Sequence from which to select a random element.


The randomly selected element.


IndexError – If the sequence is empty.

Updating the random seed


Initializes the random number generator.

This gets called when the module is imported, so normally you do not need to call this.


value – Seed value. When using None, the system timer will be used.