hubs – Programmable Hubs

Select your programmable hub using the buttons below.

EV3 Brick

class EV3Brick


Using the buttons


Checks which buttons are currently pressed.

Returns:List of pressed buttons.
Return type:List of Button

Using the brick status light


Turns on the light at the specified color.

Parameters:color (Color) – Color of the light. The light turns off if you choose None or a color that is not available.

Show/hide example

Example: Turn the light on and change the color.

#!/usr/bin/env pybricks-micropython

from pybricks.hubs import EV3Brick
from import wait
from pybricks.parameters import Color

# Initialize the EV3
ev3 = EV3Brick()

# Turn on a red light

# Wait

# Turn the light off

Turns off the light.

Using the speaker

speaker.beep(frequency=500, duration=100)

Play a beep/tone.

  • frequency (frequency: Hz) – Frequency of the beep. Frequencies below 100 are treated as 100.
  • duration (time: ms) – Duration of the beep. If the duration is less than 0, then the method returns immediately and the frequency play continues to play indefinitely.
speaker.play_notes(notes, tempo=120)

Plays a sequence of musical notes.

For example, you can play: ['C4/4', 'C4/4', 'G4/4', 'G4/4'].

  • notes (iter) – A sequence of notes to be played (see format below).
  • tempo (int) – Beats per minute where a quarter note is one beat.

Show/hide musical note format

Each note is a string with the following format:

  • The first character is the name of the note, A to G or R for a rest.
  • Note names can also include an accidental # (sharp) or b (flat). B#/Cb and E#/Fb are not allowed.
  • The note name is followed by the octave number 2 to 8. For example C4 is middle C. The octave changes to the next number at the note C, for example, B3 is the note below middle C (C4).
  • The octave is followed by / and a number that indicates the size of the note. For example /4 is a quarter note, /8 is an eighth note and so on.
  • This can optionally followed by a . to make a dotted note. Dotted notes are 1-1/2 times as long as notes without a dot.
  • The note can optionally end with a _ which is a tie or a slur. This causes there to be no pause between this note and the next note.

Plays a sound file.

Parameters:file_name (str) – Path to the sound file, including the file extension.

Says a given text string.

You can configure the language and voice of the text using set_speech_options().

Parameters:text (str) – What to say.
speaker.set_speech_options(language=None, voice=None, speed=None, pitch=None)

Configures speech settings used by the say() method.

Any option that is set to None will not be changed. If an option is set to an invalid value say() will use the default value instead.

  • language (str) – Language of the text. For example, you can choose 'en' (English) or 'de' (German). A list of all available languages is given below.
  • voice (str) – The voice to use. For example, you can choose 'f1' (female voice variant 1) or 'm3' (male voice variant 3). A list of all available voices is given below.
  • speed (int) – Number of words per minute.
  • pitch (int) – Pitch (0 to 99). Higher numbers make the voice higher pitched and lower numbers make the voice lower pitched.

Show/hide available languages and voices

You can choose the following languages:

  • 'af': Afrikaans
  • 'an': Aragonese
  • 'bg': Bulgarian
  • 'bs': Bosnian
  • 'ca': Catalan
  • 'cs': Czech
  • 'cy': Welsh
  • 'da': Danish
  • 'de': German
  • 'el': Greek
  • 'en': English (default)
  • 'en-gb': English (United Kingdom)
  • 'en-sc': English (Scotland)
  • 'en-uk-north': English (United Kingdom, Northern)
  • 'en-uk-rp': English (United Kingdom, Received Pronunciation)
  • 'en-uk-wmids': English (United Kingdom, West Midlands)
  • 'en-us': English (United States)
  • 'en-wi': English (West Indies)
  • 'eo': Esperanto
  • 'es': Spanish
  • 'es-la': Spanish (Latin America)
  • 'et': Estonian
  • 'fa': Persian
  • 'fa-pin': Persian
  • 'fi': Finnish
  • 'fr-be': French (Belgium)
  • 'fr-fr': French (France)
  • 'ga': Irish
  • 'grc': Greek
  • 'hi': Hindi
  • 'hr': Croatian
  • 'hu': Hungarian
  • 'hy': Armenian
  • 'hy-west': Armenian (Western)
  • 'id': Indonesian
  • 'is': Icelandic
  • 'it': Italian
  • 'jbo': Lojban
  • 'ka': Georgian
  • 'kn': Kannada
  • 'ku': Kurdish
  • 'la': Latin
  • 'lfn': Lingua Franca Nova
  • 'lt': Lithuanian
  • 'lv': Latvian
  • 'mk': Macedonian
  • 'ml': Malayalam
  • 'ms': Malay
  • 'ne': Nepali
  • 'nl': Dutch
  • 'no': Norwegian
  • 'pa': Punjabi
  • 'pl': Polish
  • 'pt-br': Portuguese (Brazil)
  • 'pt-pt': Portuguese (Portugal)
  • 'ro': Romanian
  • 'ru': Russian
  • 'sk': Slovak
  • 'sq': Albanian
  • 'sr': Serbian
  • 'sv': Swedish
  • 'sw': Swahili
  • 'ta': Tamil
  • 'tr': Turkish
  • 'vi': Vietnamese
  • 'vi-hue': Vietnamese (Hue)
  • 'vi-sgn': Vietnamese (Saigon)
  • 'zh': Mandarin Chinese
  • 'zh-yue': Cantonese Chinese

You can choose the following voices:

  • 'f1': female variant 1
  • 'f2': female variant 2
  • 'f3': female variant 3
  • 'f4': female variant 4
  • 'f5': female variant 5
  • 'm1': male variant 1
  • 'm2': male variant 2
  • 'm3': male variant 3
  • 'm4': male variant 4
  • 'm5': male variant 5
  • 'm6': male variant 6
  • 'm7': male variant 7
  • 'croak': croak
  • 'whisper': whisper
  • 'whisperf': female whisper
speaker.set_volume(volume, which='_all_')

Sets the speaker volume.


Using the screen


Clears the screen. All pixels on the screen will be set to Color.WHITE.

screen.draw_text(x, y, text, text_color=Color.BLACK, background_color=None)

Draws text on the screen.

The most recent font set using set_font() will be used or Font.DEFAULT if no font has been set yet.

  • x (int) – The x-axis value where the left side of the text will start.
  • y (int) – The y-axis value where the top of the text will start.
  • text (str) – The text to draw.
  • text_color (Color) – The color used for drawing the text.
  • background_color (Color) – The color used to fill the rectangle behind the text or None for transparent background.
screen.print(*args, sep=' ', end='\n')

Prints a line of text on the screen.

This method works like the builtin print() function, but it writes on the screen instead.

You can set the font using set_font(). If no font has been set, Font.DEFAULT will be used. The text is always printed used black text with a white background.

Unlike the builtin print(), the text does not wrap if it is too wide to fit on the screen. It just gets cut off. But if the text would go off of the bottom of the screen, the entire image is scrolled up and the text is printed in the new blank area at the bottom of the screen.

  • * (object) – Zero or more objects to print.
  • sep (str) – Separator that will be placed between each object that is printed.
  • end (str) – End of line that will be printed after the last object.

Show/hide example

Example: Say hello… in several ways.

#!/usr/bin/env pybricks-micropython

from pybricks.hubs import EV3Brick
from import wait
from import Font

# It takes some time for fonts to load from file, so it is best to only
# load them once at the beginning of the program like this:
tiny_font = Font(size=6)
big_font = Font(size=24, bold=True)
chinese_font = Font(size=24, lang='zh-cn')

# Initialize the EV3
ev3 = EV3Brick()

# Say hello

# Say tiny hello

# Say big hello

# Say Chinese hello

# Wait some time to look at the screen

Sets the font used for writing on the screen.

The font is used for both draw_text() and print().

Parameters:font (Font) – The font to use.

Example: See example in print().


Clears this image, then draws the source image centered in the screen.

Parameters:source (Image or str) – The source Image. If the argument is a string, then the source image is loaded from file.

Show/hide example

Example: Show an image on the screen.

#!/usr/bin/env pybricks-micropython

from pybricks.hubs import EV3Brick
from import wait
from import Image, ImageFile

# It takes some time to load images from the SD card, so it is best to load
# them once at the beginning of a program like this:
ev3_img = Image(ImageFile.EV3_ICON)

# Initialize the EV3
ev3 = EV3Brick()

# Show an image

# Wait some time to look at the image
screen.draw_image(x, y, source, transparent=None)

Draws the source image on the screen.

  • x (int) – The x-axis value where the left side of the image will start.
  • y (int) – The y-axis value where the top of the image will start.
  • source (Image or str) – The source Image. If the argument is a string, then the source image is loaded from file.
  • transparent (Color) – The color of image to treat as transparent or None for no transparency.
screen.draw_pixel(x, y, color=Color.BLACK)

Draws a single pixel on the screen.

  • x (int) – The x coordinate of the pixel.
  • y (int) – The y coordinate of the pixel.
  • color (Color) – The color of the pixel.
screen.draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, width=1, color=Color.BLACK)

Draws a line on the screen.

  • x1 (int) – The x coordinate of the starting point of the line.
  • y1 (int) – The y coordinate of the starting point of the line.
  • x2 (int) – The x coordinate of the ending point of the line.
  • y2 (int) – The y coordinate of the ending point of the line.
  • width (int) – The width of the line in pixels.
  • color (Color) – The color of the line.

Show/hide example

Example: Draw some shapes on the screen.

#!/usr/bin/env pybricks-micropython

from pybricks.hubs import EV3Brick
from import wait

# Initialize the EV3
ev3 = EV3Brick()

# Draw a rectangle
ev3.screen.draw_box(10, 10, 40, 40)

# Draw a solid rectangle
ev3.screen.draw_box(20, 20, 30, 30, fill=True)

# Draw a rectangle with rounded corners
ev3.screen.draw_box(50, 10, 80, 40, 5)

# Draw a circle
ev3.screen.draw_circle(25, 75, 20)

# Draw a triangle using lines
x1, y1 = 65, 55
x2, y2 = 50, 95
x3, y3 = 80, 95
ev3.screen.draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
ev3.screen.draw_line(x2, y2, x3, y3)
ev3.screen.draw_line(x3, y3, x1, y1)

# Wait some time to look at the shapes
screen.draw_box(x1, y1, x2, y2, r=0, fill=False, color=Color.BLACK)

Draws a box on the screen.

  • x1 (int) – The x coordinate of the left side of the box.
  • y1 (int) – The y coordinate of the top of the box.
  • x2 (int) – The x coordinate of the right side of the box.
  • y2 (int) – The y coordinate of the bottom of the box.
  • r (int) – The radius of the corners of the box.
  • fill (bool) – If True, the box will be filled with color, otherwise only the outline of the box will be drawn.
  • color (Color) – The color of the box.

Example: See example in draw_line().

screen.draw_circle(x, y, r, fill=False, color=Color.BLACK)

Draws a circle on the screen.

  • x (int) – The x coordinate of the center of the circle.
  • y (int) – The y coordinate of the center of the circle.
  • r (int) – The radius of the circle.
  • fill (bool) – If True, the circle will be filled with color, otherwise only the circumference will be drawn.
  • color (Color) – The color of the circle.

Example: See example in draw_line().


Gets the width of the screen in pixels.


Gets the height of the screen in pixels.

Saves the screen as a .png file.


filename (str) – The path to the file to be saved.

  • TypeErrorfilename is not a string.
  • OSError – There was a problem saving the file.

Using the battery


Gets the voltage of the battery.

Returns:Battery voltage.
Return type:voltage: mV

Gets the current supplied by the battery.

Returns:Battery current.
Return type:current: mA